Monday, May 6, 2013

Strange Circus Film review

Strange Circus


    Strange circus is a very odd and disturbing movie. The synopsis of this film is an erotic novelist is writing her new book which is a morbid tale of abuse. The story she is writing tells a tale of abuse, incest and murder, she has an assistant named yuji who has made it his task to find out the truth of her story. Thats is basically the main plot without any spoilers of any kind. Because if I were to spoil the movie it would be a shame because this is a fantastic movie and deserves to be seen. I really love this movie, it's very dark but also is filmed in a beautiful way which makes it very unsettling. The acting is very good and the plot is interesting and keeps you really intrigued the whole movie. This movie is very sad and depressing, it deals with allot of abuse and the horrors it can cause on someones life. 
Which makes it a really effective and disturbing film. 
The films pacing is very slow but the ending really pays up for the slow build. It was a very unexpected ending and was very shocking and gruesome. I thought that the characters were really good in the movie. The scummy father, the abusive mother and the innocent daughter were all portrayed very well in this movie. Another thing that was very cool about the movie was it's scenery the scenery was very cool and creepy especially in where Taeko writes her story and is talking to the publishers. I really enjoyed this movie and thing that it is well worth your time if you have yet to see it. I think it's a well made movie, and deserves my score of an 8/10 it's and amazing movie just a little slow in the build and a rather unsettling tale. 

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