Andrey Iskanov's Nails is a very surreal movie about a man who has horrible memories of his murderous past as an assasin decides to try driving nails into his brain to get rid of these terrible memories. Will this help him or will it just drive him more insame?
This is a very surreal and odd movie. There are many scenes where I could not figure out if it was really happening or if it was a hallucination. But I like the low budget feel to the movie. For some reason I really enjoy to see what people can do with a low budget and I think this movie succeeds with the low budget although the plot isn't great. It would make a really good short film but when they expanded it into a feature it made the movie hard to follow and alittle bit boring. Especially ins scenes where there is almost ten minutes of the man eating weird disgusting food, and the scene just goes on and seems to never stop.
But there are some great scenes in this movie, allot of really trippy imagrey that makes the movie really cool. The special effects are decent and looked like it was done by someone who was just starting in special effects. But I did enjoy them allot and thought they worked really well in the movie. I thought the acting was decent, I never thought the acting was bad.
I think that this movie shows allot of style. Andrey Iskanov shows allot of potential with this movie and I know he is a great director. Especially with his movie philosophy of a knife which is alittle long but really well made. Andrew Iskanov is a really surreal director and his movies look almost as dream sequences. Near the end of nails it looks like a nightmareish dream sequence which was really cool.
Overall I liked nails I thought it was a well made movie but I thought it was to long for the story. It was over an hour and it seemed to have the story of something that would last fifteen minutes. I would recommend this movie to people that want to be introduced to Andrey Iskanov movies because this movie really shows his style. Plus this is his first film and is an outstanding debut. I just wished it had more of a story. I would give it a 6/10 and say it's worth a watch.
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